A major update has been made to Audio4fun's best sellers. All Voice Changer Software products now officially support Windows 8.
Audio4fun announced today that Voice Changer Software 7.0 is now fully compatible with Windows 8. As always the program offers a full range of audio editing features designed to alter the human voice by modulating, manipulating and reproducing a wide range of vocal qualities. The program is unique for its "nickvoices", small data files stored and used to reproduce a specific human voice – the voice of a friend, historical personalities, celebrities, movie personas, and more. The most powerful feature of the program is its ability to apply all adjustments in real time, so that there is no record/wait/rewind/listen. You hear all changes immediately, and can alter them immediately through the use of an easy, point-and-click interface. It can also be used in online conversations, whether just chatting or in a multi-player game, or in any video chat that supports sound. There are two other versions of the software, 7.0 being the basic version; both a Gold and a Diamond version are available as well, and details can be found on their website www.audio4fun.com .
Their website also provides a wealth of free material for use with their programs, including more "nickvoices" that users can apply immediately to their own work; there are tutorials, examples, and a lot of just plain fun on the site and its has a robust and growing online community as well.
Audio4fun said they will continue to develop the software that they will continue to issue updates and improvements. Some of those improvements were based on user feedback, an aspect of the program’s development of which Audio4fun is quite proud. "We love our users, and we depend on and really appreciate all the great feedback they provide," said Chris Redfield, Director of Global Marketing, "It’s their energy and enthusiasm that spreads across the entire organization. It’s so much fun!"
Audio4fun also offers other audio, music and video morphing programs. Learn more at www.audio4fun.com